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Physics Syllabus: B.Sc. CSIT 1st Semester 2080

Physics Syllabus covers the fundamental principles of physics and its applications in computer science and information technology.

The syllabus is divided into 7 units, each focusing on a specific topic. Students will learn about rotational dynamics and oscillatory motion, electric and magnetic fields, the fundamentals of atomic theory, methods of quantum mechanics, the fundamentals of solid state physics, semiconductors and semiconductor devices, and universal gates and the physics of integrated circuits.

Physics Complete Syllabus: B.Sc. CSIT 1st Semester 2079


Physics Syllabus

General Information

CourseB.SC. CSIT
Course TitlePhysics
Course NoPHY113
Nature of the courseTheory + Lab
SemesterI (First)
Full Marks60 + 20 + 20
Pass Marks24 + 8 + 8
Credit Hrs.3


Unit 1Rotational Dynamics and Oscillatory Motion
Unit 2Electric and Magnetic Field
Unit 3Fundamentals of Atomic Theory
Unit 4Methods of Quantum Mechanics
Unit 5Fundamentals of Solid State Physics
Unit 6Semiconductor and Semiconductor devices
Unit 7Universal Gates and Physics of Integrated Circuits

Course Description : This course covers the fundamentals of physics including oscillations, electromagnetic theory, and basics of quantum mechanics, band theory, semiconductors and universal logic gates and finally physics of manufacturing integrated circuits.

Course Objective : The main objective of this course is to provide knowledge in physics and apply this knowledge for computer science and information technology.

Course Contents

Physics Syllabus of B.Sc. CSIT 1st Semester is given as:

Unit 1: Rotational Dynamics and Oscillatory Motion

Course Duration: 5 Hours

Moment of inertia and torque, Rotational kinetic energy, Conservation of angular momentum, Oscillation of spring: frequency, period, amplitude, phase angle and energy.

Unit 2: Electric and Magnetic Field

Course Duration: 5 Hours

Electric and magnetic field and potential, Force on current carrying wire, magnetic dipole moment, Force on a moving charge, Hall effect, Electromagnetic waves

Unit 3: Fundamentals of Atomic Theory

Course Duration: 8 Hours

Blackbody radiation, Bohr atom, Spectrum of Hydrogen, Franck-Hertz experiment, de Broglie’s hypothesis and its experimental verification, Uncertainty principle and its origin, matter waves and the uncertainty principle, group velocity.

Unit 4: Methods of Quantum Mechanics

Course Duration: 5 Hours

Schrodinger theory of quantum mechanics and its application, Outline of the solution of Schrodinger equation for H-atom, space quantization and spin, Atomic wave functions

Unit 5: Fundamentals of Solid State Physics

Course Duration: 6 Hours

Crystal structure, Crystal bonding, Classical and quantum mechanical free electron model, Bloch theorem, Kronig-Penny model, Tight-binding approximation, conductors, insulators and semiconductors, effective mass and holes.

Unit 6: Semiconductor and Semiconductor devices

Course Duration: 8 Hours

Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Electrical conductivity of semiconductors, Photoconductivity, Metal-metal junction: The contact potential, The semiconductor diode, Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), Field effect transistor (FET).

Unit 7: Universal Gates and Physics of Integrated Circuits

Course Duration: 8 Hours

Universal gates, RTL and TTL gates, Memory circuits, Clock circuits, Semiconductor purification: Zone refining, Single crystal growth, Processes of IC production, Electronic component fabrication on a chip.

Laboratory Works

Students should able to perform at least one experiment from units 1, 2 and 5, 6, 7. The details of the experiment will be provided in the manual.

Physcis Books

Text Books:

    • Garcia Narciso, Damask Arthur, Physics for Computer Science Students, Springer-Verlag

Reference Books:

    • Heliday David, Resnick Robert and Walker Gearl, Fundamentals of Physics, 9
    • th ed., John-Wiley and Sons, Inc.
    • Francis W. Sears, Hugh D. Young, Roger Freedman, Mark Zemansky, University
    • Physics, Volume 1 & 2, 14th ed., Pearson Publication
    • Knight Randall D., Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach, 3rd ed.,
    • Pearson Publication

    B.Sc. CSIT 1st Semester Other Syllabus:

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