Explore the complete syllabus for a C programming course for CSIT students at Tribhuvan University. Discover the topics covered, including problem solving with computers, the elements of C, input and output, and more.
Learn about the laboratory work that will provide hands-on experience with C programming and the recommended books that can aid in your understanding of the material. Get a clear understanding of the expectations for the course and plan your studies accordingly.
C Programming Syllabus
General Information
Course | B.SC. CSIT |
Course Title | C Programming |
Course No | CSC110 |
Nature of the course | Theory + Lab |
Semester | I (First) |
Full Marks | 60 + 20 + 20 |
Pass Marks | 24 + 8 + 8 |
Credit Hrs. | 3 |
S.N. | Chapter |
Unit 1 | Problem Solving with Computer |
Unit 2 | Elements of C |
Unit 3 | Input and Output |
Unit 4 | Operators and Expression |
Unit 5 | Control Statement |
Unit 6 | Arrays |
Unit 7 | Functions |
Unit 8 | Structure and Union |
Unit 9 | Pointers |
Unit 10 | File Handling in C |
Unit 11 | Introduction to Graphics |
Course Description : This course covers the concepts of structured programming using C programming language.
Course Objective : This course is designed to familiarize students to the techniques of programming in C.
Course Contents
The Syllabus of C Programming of BSc CSIT 1st Semester is given as:
Unit 1: Problem Solving with Computer
Course Duration: 2 Hours
Problem analysis, Algorithms and Flowchart, Coding, Compilation and Execution, History of C, Structure of C program, Debugging, Testing and Documentation.
Unit 2: Elements of C
C Standards( ANSI C and C99), C Character Set, C Tokens, Escape sequence, Delimiters, Variables, Data types (Basic, Derived, and User Defined), Structure of a C program, Executing a C program, Constants/ Literals, Expressions, Statements and Comments.
Unit 3: Input and Output
Course Duration: 2 Hours
Conversion specification, Reading a character, Writing a character, I/O operations, Formatted I/O
Unit 4: Operators and Expression
Course Duration: 4 Hours
Arithmetic operator, Relational operator, Logical or Boolean operator, Assignment Operator, Ternary operator, Bitwise operator, Increment or Decrement operator, Conditional operator, Special Operators(size of and comma), Evaluation of Expression, Operator Precedence and Associativity.
Unit 5: Control Statement
Course Duration: 4 Hours
Conditional Statements, Decision Making and Branching, Decision Making and Looping, Exit function, Break and Continue.
Unit 6: Arrays
Introduction to Array, Types of Array (Single Dimensional and Multidimensional), Declaration and Memory Representation of Array, Initialization of array, Character Array and Strings, Reading and Writing Strings, Null Character, String Library Functions( string length, string copy, string concatenation, string compare)
Unit 7: Functions
Course Duration: 5 Hours
Library Functions, User defined functions, Function prototype, Function call, and Function Definition, Nested and Recursive Function, Function Arguments and Return Types, Passing Arrays to Function, Passing Strings to Function, Passing Arguments by Value, Passing Arguments by Address, Scope visibility and lifetime of a variable, Local and Global Variable,
Unit 8: Structure and Union
Course Duration: 5 Hours
Introduction, Array of structure, Passing structure to function, Passing array of structure to function, Structure within structure ( Nested Structure), Union, Pointer to structure
Unit 9: Pointers
Course Duration: 6 Hours
Introduction, The & and * operator, Declaration of pointer, Chain of Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers and Arrays, Pointers and Character Strings, Array of Pointers, Pointers as Function Arguments, Function Returning pointers, Pointers and Structures, Dynamic Memory Allocation
Unit 10: File Handling in C
Course Duration: 4 Hours
Concept of File, Opening and closing of File, Input Output Operations in File, Random access in File, Error Handling in Files
Unit 11: Introduction to Graphics
Course Duration: 3 Hours
Laboratory Works
This is the first “programming” course in B.Sc.CSIT. It builds the foundation on how to write a program using any high level language.
Hence, this course requires a lot of programming practice so that students will be able to develop good logic building and program developing capability which is essential throughout the B.Sc.CSIT course and thereafter.
20% of the total marks is assigned from the practical. Some important contents that should be included in lab exercises are as follows:
Unit 1
Lab Time: 2 Hours
Create, compile, debug, run and test simple C programs
Unit 2,3,4
Lab Time: 5 Hours
Using different data types available in C, perform arithmetic operations in C, perform formatted input/output operations, perform character input/output operations.
Using relational operator, logical operator, assignment operator, ternary operator, and other operators. Evaluation of Expression to check operator precedence and associativity.
Unit 5
Lab Time: 6 Hours
Create decision making programs using control statements like; if, if..else, if..else ladder, nested if, and switch cases.
Create programs using loops (for, while, do while, nested loops) and realize the differences between entry controlled and exit controlled loops.
Unit 6
Lab Time: 6 Hours
Create, manipulate arrays and matrices (single and multi-dimensional), work with pointers, dynamically allocate/de-allocate storage space during runtime, manipulate strings (character arrays) using various string handling functions.
Unit 7
Lab Time: 6 Hours
Create user-defined functions with/without parameters or return type, create recursive functions, use function call by value and call by address, work with automatic, global and static variables.
Unit 8
Lab Time: 5 Hours
Create and use simple structures, array of structures, nested structure. Passing structure and array of structure to function, concept of pointer to structure.
Unit 9
Lab Time: 6 Hours
Create programs that addresses pointer arithmetic, pointers and arrays, pointer and character strings, pointers and functions, pointer and structure, and dynamic memory allocation.
Unit 10
Lab Time: 5 Hours
Create files that address random access and input/output operations in file, create files to keep records and manipulation of records etc.
Unit 11
Lab Time: 4 Hours
Create graphics program that address some basic functions of graphics.h header file, e.g. line(), arc(), circle(), ellipse(), floodfill(), getmaxx(), getmaxy() etc.
Note: Motivate students to create small project work integrating all of the above concepts.
C Programming Books
B. Sc. CSIT First Semester C Programming Books are given as:
Text Books:
Byron Gottfried: “Programming with C,” , Second Edition, McGraw Hill Education.
Herbert Schildt, C The Complete Reference, Fourth Edition, Osborne/McGraw-Hill Publication.
Reference Books:
Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, C: How to Program, Eighth Edition, Pearson Publication.
Al Kelley, Ira Pohl: “A Book on C”, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education.
Brian W. Keringhan, Dennis M. Ritchiem, The C programming Language, Second Edition, PHI Publication.
Ajay Mittal, Programming in C: A Practical Approach, Pearson Publication.
Stephen G. Kochan, Programming in C, CBS publishers & distributors.
E. Balagurusamy, Programming in ANSI C, Third Edition, TMH publishing.