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NEB Class 11 and Class 12 Syllabus and Curriculum 2080

NEB Class 11 and Class 12 Syllabus and Curriculum

In this post, we will go through the whole NEB Class 11 and Class 12 Curriculum & Syllabus for the NEB Exams 2079 and 2080.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Class 11 12 Subject Credit Hours.
  3. Class 11 and 12 Course Content
  4. Subject-Wise Syllabus
  5. Download Curriculum Class 11 12
  6. Importance of Syllabus


Syllabus are Important factors to score good numbers in exams.

This article will also support you in achieving high exam grades.

Following this Curriculum strictly assures that you secure good grades in the exams.

The government of Nepal, Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Curriculum Development Center, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, had prepared this syllabus for Secondary level Class 11 and Class 12 NEB Exams.

There will be three mandatory subjects: English, Nepali, Social Life or Mathematics, as well as four optional Subjects, three of which will be compulsory.

This webpage allows you to download and view the syllabus and curriculum .

Class 11 and Class 12 Subject with Credit Hours.

3.Mathematics or Social studies5
4.Optional I5
5.Optional II5
6.Optional III5
7.Optional IV5

You can choose 3 subject from 4 optional subject.


S.N.Optional IOptional IIOptional IIIOptional IV
1.PhysicsBiologyChemistryComputer Science
2.AccountingBusiness StudiesEconomicsBusiness Mathematics
3.Hospitality ManagementGeographyMarketingHotel Management

NEB Class 11 and 12 Course Content

Class 11 Compulsory Subjects
Class 11 English Syllabus
Class 11 Nepali Syllabus
Class 11 Social Studies Syllabus
Class 11 Mathematics Syllabus
Class 11 Optional Subjects
Class 11 Physics Syllabus
Class 11 Accounting Syllabus
Class 11 Biology Syllabus
Class 11 Business Studies Syllabus
Class 11 Chemistry Syllabus
Class 11 Economics Syllabus
Class 11 Marketing Syllabus
Class 11 Business Mathematics Syllabus
Class 11 Computer Science Syllabus

Class 12 Compulsory Subjects Syllabus
Class 12 English Syllabus
Class 12 Nepali Syllabus
Class 12 Social Studies Syllabus
Class 12 Mathematics Syllabus
Class 12 Optional Subjects
Class 12 Physics Syllabus
Class 12 Accounting Syllabus
Class 12 Biology Syllabus
Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus
Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus
Class 12 Economics Syllabus  
Class 12 Marketing Syllabus
Class 12 Business Mathematics Syllabus
Class 12 Computer Syllabus

Also Check:

Subject-Wise Syllabus

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Biology

Complete Biology Syllabus 📁

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Chemistry

Complete Chemistry Syllabus 📁

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Computer

Complete Computer Syllabus 📁

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 English

Complete English Syllabus 📁

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Mathematics

Complete Mathematics Syllabus 📁

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Nepali

Complete Nepali Syllabus 📁

Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Physics

Complete Physics Syllabus 📁

Download Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 All Subject PDF
Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Compulsory Subjects
कक्षा ११ र १२ भाग १ (अनिवार्य विषय)📁
Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional I
कक्षा ११ र १२ भाग २ (ऐच्क्षिक विषय, पहिलो समुह)📁
Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional II
कक्षा ११ र १२ भाग २ (ऐच्क्षिक विषय, दोस्रो समुह)📁
Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional III
कक्षा ११ र १२ भाग २ (ऐच्क्षिक विषय, तेस्रो समुह)📁
Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional IV
कक्षा ११ र १२ भाग २ (ऐच्क्षिक विषय चौथो समुह)📁
Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional V
कक्षा ११ र १२ भाग २ (ऐच्क्षिक विषय पाँचौ समुह)📁

Importance of Syllabus

Your syllabus compiles all of the important information about your class into one location.

  • Be prepared for class
  • Understand assignments and notes
  • To know about Grading
  • To manage the time
  • Stay organized
  • For Deadlines
  • To Score better in Exams

Students are like sailors, and the syllabus enables them to chart their own paths even in deep oceans.

PDF Link Subject code

Subject code PDF 📁

Is syllabus of 11 and 12 NEB the same?

No, regardless of whether the board is the NEB or another board, the 11th and 12th grade curriculum are distinct.

How many subjects are there in 11th NEB?

Students must choose 6 topics from the list of required and optional subjects because plus two educations are regarded as secondary level. You can still select three subjects.

How many subjects are there in 12th class Nepal?

There will be three mandatory subjects: English, Nepali, Social Life or Mathematics, as well as four optional Subjects, three of which will be compulsory in Class 12.

Is science in classes 11 or 12 difficult?

The content in the eleventh grade is substantially different from what you learnt up to the tenth grade. The degree of difficulty increases if you choose the science stream since it is no longer considered general science, and it will continue in class 12 as well.

What are the subjects in class 11 or Class 12 Science?

Subject Combination in class 11 or Class 12 Science are as follows: Nepali, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology / Computer Science.

What are the subjects in class 11 or Class 12 management?

Subject Combination in class 11 or Class 12 management are as follows: Nepali, English, Social / Mathematics, Accounting, Business Studies, Economics.

Who makes NEB question paper?

The question paper for Class 12 has been published by the Nepal National Examination Board (NEB) Examination Control Office, Sanothimi Bhaktapur, Everyyear.


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