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Rara Bhraman Exercise, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Unit 11: Rara Bhraman

Rara Bhraman Complete Solutions, Rara Bhraman is Chapter 11 of Compulsory Nepali of Class 11.


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Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

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Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11


Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11


Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11

Rara Bhraman Exercise, Question Answer, Grammar: Class 11 Nepali Unit 11


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Short Recap of the Rara Bhraman Dainiki (Summary)

  1. Waking up at 3:30 in the morning on June 7, 2077.
  2. A
    team of six people, including the author, traveled by jeep from Gulmi
    to Ras, passing by Redi and eating pakodas, chukauni, and tea at Palpa’s
  3. Looking at Teko Rara covering an area of ​​10.8 square kilometers, 6 people including the author are TIRANE
  4. The writer’s team left Butwal at 9 o’clock and reached Kohalpur at 4 o’clock in the evening and reached the bus park at night.
  5. Tim, who left Surkhet at 5 o’clock in the morning on June 7, 2077, reached Jitegadh on the other side of Karnali.
  6. It
    takes about an hour and a half to reach the resort by jeep in the
    Salleri forest after passing through the check post of Rara National
  7. Get up at 5 o’clock on June 10, 2077 to see the natural beauty of Rara,
  8. Walking five kilometers of Rara
  9. Keep a diary describing any events you attend.
  10. Participated in the birth anniversary ceremony of the court

(a) Identify the Sinja Valley.

Sinja Valley is a historical site where the surrounding river irrigates
the scenic settlements and arable lands. The capital of the Baise Khas
state, the birthplace of the Nepali language, reflects the historicity
of Mija. Therefore, sanctity, historical land with food storage is the
identity of Sinja Valley. 

The writer has reached Rara after walking for an hour from Salleri forest through Pinagaun.

(B) How did the writer complete his journey from Sinja to Rara?

author, Sinja’s mistress, cut the rock from Bona and reached a place
called Chautha. After climbing Ghuchchi, they reached the check post of
Gara National Park. From the checkpost, they asked for guide and reached
to rara.

(c) Introduce Rara based on the text.

looks green as it is surrounded by hills full of evergreen vegetation.
Gara has provided nectar to every foundation here. Located at an
altitude of 2972m above sea level, the lake has a maximum length of
3.2 km and a maximum width of 3.2 km. At 10.8 square kilometers, the
lake is huge in itself. This lake, which looks like a piece of heaven,
is a unique place full of natural beauty like a gift.

(D) How did the diary writer complete the first day’s journey? 

writer, who woke up at 3:30 in the morning, got out of the jeep in a
jeep with his friends. A team of six walked to Rara Lake at four
o’clock. Ridi had reached Draveni at 5.30 pm on the banks of the river
Rudramati. reached Kohalpur at 4 pm. After that, the jeep crossed 75
kilometers and reached Surkhet around noon. The author stayed in a hotel
in the park for a day trip.

(E) Was the writer happy when he reached Rara?

Rara’s natural beauty, supernatural, vastness, the writer was happy to
see Rara’s waves, magical beauty to steal the hearts of tourists. ONE
CHE STA. The writers were happy to see the evergreen mountains around
Basel and the green waters of Rara. A magnificent view of the vast Rara
Lake spread over 10.8 square kilometers.

(F) What kind of experience of the writer is presented in this diary?

diary presents the author’s personal experience. The author has
presented the place on the way based on his own experience. The author’s
statement that despite the desire to see the beautiful valley of
Surkhet, we were forced to leave the picturesque valley and the market
at the same time we found our destination this time. The author has also
described Gara on the basis of personal experience. The author’s
statement that the waves of Rara Lake, which are scattering on the
shore, are scattered by the bass or are in a hurry to join us, has also
deepened the sentiment. Hence the personal personality of the author in
this diary presentation has taken place.

(F) Describe how nature has been humanized in this diary.

nature in human-like activities is humanization. In the diary, nature
is made to wander like human beings. After touching the Rudravati river,
meet the Sinja Dang National Park, the conflict between the heat of the
fire and the cold of Rara, reach the courtyard of Rara, the waves of
the Rara come crashing down on the bass, the tourist’s Rara steals the
heart, Swimming in the sun and in June, guarding the mountains and
forests around Gara are examples of humanized nature in this diary.

More About Rara Lake-

Rara National Park is located in the most remote mountains of northwestern Nepal. Situated in the district Mugu,
It is the smallest national park in Nepal, but it holds the largest
lake in the country called ‘Rara’ at an altitude of 2990 meters. 

provincial government has declared Nepali’s 2075 year as Karnali Rara
Tourism Year. Sufficient reasons to give the park a high position in our
list of ‘things to explore in Far West Nepal’. The reflection of Api
and Saipal Mountain in clear Rara Water is sufficient to lure anyone.
One who loves nature and natural adventures will love to enjoy at Rara

The journey of 2 to 3 days to reach rara lake starts with a flight from Nepalgunj to Jumla. Jumla is known for its fine apples and strolling through these plantations can be a fascinating encounter. 

trip leads through the far-off wide open toward the Tibetan line. An
excursion into the Jumla area and the lovely Rara Lake is presumably
quite possibly the most entrancing trip in the Himalaya undisturbed by
crowds of travelers as one finds on other journey courses. 

By Shriram Bro. Queries Solved.

  • Class 11 Nepali, Rara Bhraman Exercise
  • Complete Summary of Rara Vraman, Class 11 Nepali Unit 11
  • Rara Bhraman Class 11 Exercise

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