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Grade 12 Business Studies Syllabus (2080)

Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus Curriculum: Complete Syllabus and Curriculum, Grade 12 Business Studies Latest Course for 2080 NEB Exams.

Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus 2080


Business Studies is a broad subject in the social sciences, allowing the in-depth study of a range of specialties such as accountancy, finance, organization, human resource management and marketing. To serve the same, the curriculum of this subject for Grades 11 and Grade 12 has been prepared in line with the National Curriculum Framework-2076 to prepare the students for job market and for higher studies.

Class 12 Business Studies Chapter List

Business Studies Chapter list with Credit hours is given as:

S.N.UnitChapter NameTheory Hour
1Unit 1Nature of Management12
2Unit 2Classical Management Perspective8
3Unit 3Planning and Decision Making15
4Unit 4Organizing25
5Unit 5Leading8
6Unit 6Controlling6
7Unit 7Other Management Functions22
8Unit 8Contemporary Issues on Management16
9Unit 9Business Letter Writing15
10Unit 10Business Plan8


Scope and Sequence of Contents (Syllabus) of Class 12 Business Studies is given as:

1. Nature of Management (12 hours)1.1 Management: meaning and essentials
1.2 Management as science, art and profession
1.3 Key management functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling
1.4 Levels of management
2. Classical Management Perspective (8 hours)2.1 Scientific management: principles and limitations
2.2 Administrative management: principles and limitations
3. Planning and Decision Making (15 hours)3.1 Planning: Concept and rationale
3.1 Process of planning
3.2 Benefits and pitfalls of planning
3.3 Types of plans
3.4 Decision making: meaning and importance
3.5 Types of managerial decisions
3.6 Decision making conditions: certainty, risk and uncertainty
4. Organizing (25 hours)4.1 Organizing: concept and principles
4.2 Organizing process
4.3 Departmentalization: meanings and bases
4.4 Types of organizational structure: simple, functional, divisional, matrix and committee
4.5 Drivers of organizing: authority, responsibility and accountability
4.6 Centralization and decentralization
4.7 Arguments for and against centralization and decentralization
4.8 Guidelines for effective delegation of authority
4.9 Challenges for effective delegation of authority
4.10 Differences between delegation and decentralization of authority
5. Leading (8 hours)5.1 Leading: meaning and importance
5.2 Role of manager as a leader
5.3 Leadership qualities
6. Controlling (6 hours)6.1 Controlling: meaning and importance
6.2 Process of control: Pre-control, concurrent control and post-control
6.3 Essentials of effective control
7. Other management functions (22 hours)7.1 Motivation: meaning and importance
7.2 Techniques of motivation
7.3 Theories of motivation:
 • Maslow’s Theory of Hierarchy of Needs
 • Herzberg’s Dual Factors Theory
7.4 Supervision: meaning and role
7.5 Factors influencing supervision
7.6 Communication: meaning and importance
7.7 Essentials of effective communication
7.8 Types of communication: horizontal, vertical and diagonal
8. Contemporary issues on management (16 hours)8.1 Conflict management: meaning, sources and level
8.2 Talent management: meaning and importance
8.3 Quality management: meaning and components
8.4 Supply chain management: meaning and importance
9. Business letter Writing (15 hours)9.1 Business letter: meaning and uses
9.2 Structure of business letters
9.3 Qualities of business letters
9.4 Drafting of business letters: enquiry, order, confirmation, complaint and job application letter
10. Business Plan (8 hours)10.1 Introduction to business plan
10.2 Significance of business plan
10.3 Contents of business plan
10.4 Formulation of business plan

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1. Readers Nepal (website) Business Studies Syllabus

2. NEB PDF: Curriculum of Class 11 and 12 Optional II

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