Carboxylic Acid and its Derivatives – NEB Class 12 Chemistry

Iswori Education
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Carboxylic Acid and its Derivatives

Chapter 14: Carboxylic Acid and its Derivatives

NEB Class 12 Chemistry Unit 14 Carboxylic Acid and its Derivatives Notes, Exercise, Question Answer, PDF 2081-2082 (2024) Academic Year Notes.

Carboxylic Acid Syllabus:

14.1 Aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic acids

14.1.1 Introduction, nomenclature, and isomerism

14.1.2 Preparation of monocarboxylic acids from aldehydes, nitriles, dicarboxylic acid, sodium alkoxide, and trihaloalkanes

14.1.3 Preparation of benzoic acid from alkyl benzene

14.1.4 Physical properties of monocarboxylic acids

14.1.5 Chemical properties: Action with alkalies, metal oxides, metal carbonates, metal bicarbonates, PCl3, LiAlH4, and dehydration of carboxylic acid

14.1.6 Hell-Volhard-Zelinsky reaction

14.1.7 Electrophilic substitution reaction of benzoic acid – bromination, nitration, and sulphonation)

14.1.8 Effect of constituents on the acidic strength of carboxylic acid

14.1.9 Abnormal behavior of methanoic acid

Check: NEB Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus

Introduction to Carboxylic Acid

Organic compounds that contain a carboxyl group (-COOH) are known as carboxylic acids. The carboxyl group is composed of a carbonyl group (>C=O) and a hydroxyl group (-OH).

Organic compounds that contain a carboxyl group (-COOH) are known as carboxylic acids. The carboxyl group is composed of a carbonyl group (>C=O) and a hydroxyl group (-OH).
Carboylic Acid Structure

Carboxylic Acid PDFs : Class 12 Chemistry

Aliphatic Carboxylic Acid PDF:


Aromatic Carboxylic Acid PDF:

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