A Devoted Son Exercise
A Devoted Son by Anita Desai Exercise, Questions and Answers | NEB Compulsory Class 12 English Support, Guide 2080
Check: A Devoted Son Summary
Before You Read
a. Will you be ready to sacrifice your career, status, and economic opportunities for the good of your parents? Why or why not?
b. In your view, what are the qualities of a devoted son/daughter?
Answer the following questions.
a. How did the morning papers bring ambiance of celebration in the Varma family?
Answer ➜
morning paper brought ambiance of celebration in the Varma family with
the joyous news of Rakesh’s achievement in his academic life. It
contained the news of Rakesh’s highest pass marks in the whole country.
b. How did the community celebrate Rakesh’s success?
Answer ➜
community people gathered at Rakesh’s house to congratulate him and his
family. They were happy and proud of Rakesh’s achievements. They also
decorated the home and gave him presents. They appreciated Rakesh by
blessing and gifting him. The Varma family fed them with delicious
dishes and mithais. They made it like a carnival with music and lights.
c. Why was Rakesh’s success a special matter of discussion in the neighbourhood?
Answer ➜
Rakesh’s success was a special matter of discussion in
the neighbourhood because he was the first son in the family to receive
an education, and he further topped in the Medical examination as well.
d. How does the author make fun with the words ‘America’ and ‘the USA’?
Answer ➜
Rakesh had won a scholarship in USA. His father learnt it to be called
as ‘USA’ and taught the whole family not to say it as ‘America’ as it
was the term to be called by his ignorant neighbours. In this way the
author makes fun of the words ‘America’ and ‘the USA’.
e. How does the author characterize Rakesh’s wife?
Answer ➜
The author
characterizes Rakesh’s wife as a pulp and uneducated, old fashioned, so
placid, so complaisant, so lazy but too good natured.
f. Describe how Rakesh
rises in his career.
Answer ➜
Rakesh rises his
career by topping the examination and by being a doctor in the city hospital.
He also reaches the top of administrative section as the director. Then, he
opens his own private clinic, buys a car.
g. How does the author describe Rakesh’s family background?
Answer ➜
The author describes Rakesh’s family as a poor family. His father is a
kerosene dealer. No one before Rakesh has to get education facilities
because of his poor family
h. What is the impact of Rakesh’s mother’s death on his father?
Answer ➜
is quite a bad impact of Rakesh’s mother’s death on his father. His
father felt quite sad and his body starts reacting badly. He starts
complaining each time. He is seen ill frequently with mysterious
diseases. His son Rakesh isn’t even able to find out the real cause of
his frequent illness. His acts are quite uncommon.
Due to his acts, all
his family members have to watch him being fearful and even cry to see
his state. He spits his red bottle juice from his mouth anywhere he
likes as if he tries to mock his family members’ behaviour.
i. What did Rakesh do to make
his father’s old age more comfortable?
Answer ➜
Rakesh does so much to make his
father’s old age more comfortable. He himself brings morning tea to him in his
favorite brass glass.
Every morning he read morning news to him sitting close
to him. In the evening, after returning home, he takes his father out in the
garden for a brisk walk and fresh air. Because of his father’s ill health
condition, he supervises his father’s diet every day. He brings pill and
powders and tonic for his father. He is conscious to his father’s health all
the times. He even scolds his father if he becomes stubborn and wishes to eat
oily, sugary and fried foods.
j. Why did the old man
try to bribe his grandchildren?
Answer ➜
The old man tried
to bribe his grandchildren by making them bring sweets to eat which were
prohibited by his son. But he got them from Rakesh’s son.
k. Are Mr. Varma’s complaints about his diets reasonable? How?
Answer ➜
Mr. Varma’s complaints about his diets are reasonable. Rakesh stopped
Verma from eating his favorite foods since they made him sick. He also
felt a feeling of obligation as a doctor and wished his father a long
life. As a result, Mr. Varma’s diet concerns are justified.
a. How did Varma couple make sacrifices for their son’s higher education?
Answer ➜
couple made sacrifices for their son’s higher education by doing hard
labour in their entire lifetime. They had a lifelong dream about their
son’s education. To achieve their dream, Varma had worked hard for forty
years in a kerosene depot whereas his wife had devoted herself honestly
to household tasks.
Mr. Varma had never
stepped inside the school in his life. As the son of a vegetable vendor,
he didn’t get a chance for his studies. But he desired quality
education for his son Rakesh. He became able to accomplish his goal and
turned his dream into reality.
His son Rakesh was the first son in the
family to receive higher education. Varma and his wife finally got the
fruits of their sacrifices. The achievement they got was quite golden
and glorious.
b. Mr. Varma suffers
from diseases one after another after his wife’s death. Would he have enjoyed
better health if she had not died before him? Give reasons.
Answer ➜
Mr. Varma
suffered from diseases one after another his wife’s death. I think all this happen
him due to his wife’s death as it makes him alone and scattered. If she had not
died before him, he would have enjoyed better health. He thinks most of the
time about his life partner which leads him stricken with grief. The old father
very quickly went to pieces and fell ill.
c. Dr. Rakesh is divided between a doctor and a son.
As a son, he loves his father and worries about his weakening health,
but as a doctor, he is strict on his father’s diet and medicine. In your
view, what else could Rakesh have done to make his father’s final years
more comfortable?
Answer ➜
Rakesh is indeed divided between a doctor and a son. As a son, he loves
his father and worries about his weakening health, but as a doctor, he
is strict on his father’s diet and medicine.
he could have done several other things to make his father’s final year
more comfortable. He could have been very polite while dealing with his
father and could have made other family members and servants do the
same. Likewise, he could have asked for his father’s consent for the
foods and medicines he was provided. Similarly, he could have arranged
foods that are both healthy and tasty for his father.
In addition, he
should have spent more quality time with his father and should have
taken him to visit parks, zoos, cinema halls, and nursing homes. Through
these behaviors, his father’s final years would have been more
d. What does the story say about the relationship between grandfather and grandchildren?
Answer ➜
The story says that Grandparents and grandchildren often have close
connections in households. In this story, Mr. Varma uses his little
grandchild to obtain what he wants. He starts paying his grandson to
bring him jalebis.
This story shows a lovely bond between a grandfather
and his grandchildren. Varma’s closest friends are his grandchildren.
Rakesh’s actions have made him sad instead. His grandsons are his
closest friends, with whom he plays and spends his time alone.
e. Do you call Rakesh a devoted son? Give reasons.
Answer ➜
The short story “A
Devoted Son” by Anita Desai focuses on a father-son relationship in a
traditional family within a small, property-stricken village. With his
father, sacrifices, Rakesh is able to pursue and excel in his medical
All above, Rakesh is a very devoted and respectful son. Respect
and courtesy is a fundamental component to traditional (transitional)
culture and having such characteristics is rare in young children. Verma
should be grateful from the attention that Rakesh as giving him.
He has done well for
his family. It was him who ministered to his mother in her last illness
and who sat pressing her feet at the last moment. After the mother’s
death, his father went to pieces very quickly and his health begin to
decline. This made Rakesh really worried about his father and he decided
to handle his diet and daily routine personally.
He took care of every
comfort of his father. He won’t let him die if he knows that he can save
his life. He tried to make him happy upto the last and took care of his
parents. But from the side of Varma, due to ruthless, tyrannical and
obsessively controlling behavior of his son, he is powerless and had to
be in despair.
a. Write an essay on The Parents’ Ambition for their Children in Nepali Society. You must give at
least five examples.
Answer ➜
The Parents’ Ambition for their Children in Nepali Society
One of the primary roles of parents is to be a leader of their children.
Dedicated, motivated parents are usually one of two kinds of leaders;
ambitious leaders or led leaders. While ambition seems like a powerful
quality in a leader, it’s flawed because ambition is self-serving. On
the other hand, a leader who is a good follower of truth, principles,
and a higher moral authority, even if it is inconvenient to themselves
or lacks showiness is a powerful influence for good in the lives of
their children.
Parents have great ambition for their children in Nepali Society. Most
of the parents want their children to be the best person in the society
such as the best doctor, the best engineer, the best teacher, and many
Due to parents’ ambition for their children, some children work
hard to achieve their destination and get succeed at the end. But due to
this the children are forced to do the thing other than their interest
and follow the paths shown by the parents blindly. Due to which many
children are lacking behind in Nepalese society. Thus, parents should
listen to the voice and aim of their children as well for their better
in future.
b. Medicines replace our diets in old age. What can be done to make old ageless dependent on medicine?
Answer ➜
Medicines replace our diets in old age. With age, the
number of calories you need begins to ‘ decline. “As we get older, the
body becomes less efficient at absorbing some key nutrients,” says
Katherine Tucker. In addition, the ability to taste food declines,
blunting appetite.
Some foods become difficult to chew or digest. Thus,
medicines become the best option to replace our diets in old age. To
make old ageless dependent on medicine, they should do the following
- Eat plenty of colourful fruits and vegetables such as fruits
like pineapples, oranges and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, and
sweet potatoes.
- Eat cereals, bread, crackers, rice or pasta every day mostly high fibre varieties.
- Have low-fat or fat-free dairy (milk, or cheese) that are fortified with vitamin D to help keep your bones healthy.
- Use of mustard oil or olive oil as a cooking medium as both prevent high cholesterol and improve good cholesterol in the blood.
- Egg whites are a good source of protein to repair worn-out cells and tissues.
- Vegetable soups without cream and thickening agents are a healthy meal to be taken as a supper.
- Drink about 10-15 glasses of water a day to prevent dehydration especially in summer.
- Also, exercise regularly, stretch and do yoga to ensure absorption of nutrients well.
- Balancing physical activity and a healthful diet s the best recipe for health and fitness.
- Set a goal to be physically active for at least 30 minutes every day.
c. Write an essay on “Care of Elderly Citizens” in about 300 Words.
Answer ➜
Care of Elderly Citizens
citizens could be a method of growing recent with distinct physical,
psychological and social modification with the passing of time. it’s necessary
to go to them often. they have the social interaction with you and you get the
support that they’re safe, healthy, and in general, doing well. throughout your
visit, it’s continually best to envision around the house for any problems that
will get to be self-addressed admire the general cleanliness of the house or if
something is broken that may need to be fixed. Also, do a routine check of
their food supply, laundry, mail, and plants.
care that they’re fittingly furnished their medications. it’s necessary that every one of their prescriptions is
stuffed and refilled as needed. If they are on a variety of medications, it is
best to shop for a pillbox organizer with compartments labeled with the times of the week also like AM and PM
doses. this could facilitate change in their medication-taking process. Also, if a
brand new medication is prescribed, be sure to raise the doctor or health care
provider concerning potential facet effects or attainable interactions with
current medications.
Most times your aged dears don’t seem to be
comfy or willing to speak concerning their finances. however, you need to
attempt to have open discussions about their finances, particularly if they
carry on a hard and fast financial gain or there’s a budget to be adhered to.
it’s important to stay your elderly loved one active and involved. Exercise is
very important to keep them healthy. Unfortunately, it is common for the
elderly to become isolated and lonely or maybe suffer from depression
especially if they need to lose their spouse. it’s important that they continue to
be committed to their family and friends or they may even need to venture out and
build new friends. There are several resources in your community that provide
things to try and do and place to travel that {may} facilitate your dear stay
social and active. Your loved one might not have the flexibility or need to
cook for themselves. it’s necessary that they’re well-fed so as to remain
healthy. you’ll be able to prepare meals beforehand for them. you’ll be able to
check out Meals on Wheels to examine if they qualify. There also are many
different deliverable design choices that your loved one may enjoy. a number of
these meal plans will even accommodate special requests admire diabetic meals.
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