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NEB Class 11 Hospitality Management Model Question PDF 2080

NEB Class 11 Hospitality Management Model Question Solution 2080 PDF

Class 11 Hospitality Management Model Question

CDC Provided Updated NEB Class 11th Hospitality Management Subject Model Question 2080 Solution PDF for Upcoming Board Exam 2081. This new Class 11 Model Question is based on Latest NEB Syllabus.

Class 11 Hospitality Management Model Question Solution 2080
GradeClass 11 (XI)
Question TypeModel Question
Total Marks75 Marks
Total Time3 Hours
SourceNational Education Board
Provided byClass 11 Model (All Subject)
Iswori Education

Sub.Code :1251 


Hospitality Management 

Model questions

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practical. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group: A

Write Very short answer to the following Questions. 9×1=9

1. Define hospitality.

2. Mention the basic components of tourism.

3. Write a way which helps to increase the day of living for tourist in Nepal.

4. Write any one importance of chain hotel.

5. List out any two key positions of hotel industry. 

6. Classify hotel on the basis of its location. 

7. List out any two personal skills of hospitality workforce.

8. Write an importance of market in tourism. 

9. Define ‘tourism brand’.

Group: B

Write Short answer to the following Questions. 5×5=25

10. State the importance of amenities in tourism.

11. Describe briefly the traits and attributes required for hospitality services.

12. Briefly examine the functions of front office department.

13. What is organisation chart? Draw an organisation chart of large hotel.

14. Explain the role of service in hospitality industry.

Group: C

Write Long answer to the following Questions. 2×8=16

15. Define hospitality and explain its nature and characteristics. 

16. Examine the factors affected to the growth and development of hospitality industry in Nepal after 1950 A.D

NEB Class 11 Hospitality Management Model Question 2080 PDF

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