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NEB Class 11 Computer Science Important Question 2080-81

NEB Class 11 Computer Science Important Question 2080 2081

NEB Class 11 Computer Science Important Questions – All Chapters

NEB Class 11 Computer Science Important Question All Chapters for 2080/2081 NEB Exams.

The NEB Class 11 Computer Science Important Questions cover all chapters of the syllabus for the 2080/2081 NEB exams. This includes long and short important questions, as well as questions from previous years’ exams.

The questions are carefully selected by experienced teachers and experts, and they are designed to help students prepare for the exam and score high marks.

  • The articles contains important questions for computer science grade-XI in eight units.
  • The first unit is about computer system and has 40 questions covering topics such as hardware, software, generations of computers, types of computers, memory, input and output devices, etc.
  • The third unit is about computer software and operating system and has 15 questions covering topics such as types of software, functions of operating system, types of operating system, utility programs, etc.
  • The fourth unit is about application package and has 17 questions covering topics such as word processing, electronic spreadsheet, presentation software, etc.
  • The fifth unit is about programming concepts and logics and has 15 questions covering topics such as programming language, compiler and interpreter, error, algorithm and flowchart, C language, data type, control structure, loop, array, string, etc.
  • The sixth unit is about web technology I and has 17 questions covering topics such as internet, URL, DNS, search engine, HTML, CSS, email, etc.
  • The seventh unit is about multimedia and has 4 questions covering topics such as multimedia components, applications, advantages and disadvantages of multimedia, etc.
  • The eighth unit is about information security and cyber law and has 6 questions covering topics such as information security, computer ethics, cyber-crime, digital divide, digital signature, malware, cryptography, etc.

Unit 1: Computer System

1. What is a computer? Explain Hardware and Software.

2. What is a computer hardware? Name basic hardware components of a computer system.

3. Write down the advantages and limitations of computer?

4. Explain the features of different generations of computers.

5. Explain computer is versatile machine. What are its applications?

6. Define and distinguish between data and information.

7. What are the important characteristics of a computer? Explain any five of them.

8. What effects do computer technology have in the education?

9. Explain the roles of computers in government.

10. What were the contributions of Blaise Pascal in the development of automatic computation?

11. Who is known as the father of modern digital computers? Mention his contributions.

12. What is the use of Atanasoff Berry Computer?

13. What is the hardware and software technology of all generation of computers? Write any two examples of generation of computers.

14. What are the major developments that took place in fourth generation of computers?

15. What are the special features of fifth generation that makes it different from the other generations?

16. What is an analog computer? Give any two examples.

17. What is a digital computer? What are the two categories of digital computer? Explain them in brief.

18. Differentiate between an analog computer and a digital computer.

19. What is a hybrid computer? Give an example.

20. What are supercomputers and where are they used?

21. What is a mainframe computer and what are its typical applications?

22. What is a mini computer and what are its typical applications?

23. What is a microcomputer? What are the major categories of microcomputer?

24. Write short notes on: 

  • i. Desktop computer 
  • ii. Workstation

25. Explain in short the different types of computers based on brand.

26. What is IBM personal computer? How does it differ from IBM compatible computer?

27. What is a mobile computing? List the advantages and disadvantages of mobile computing.

28. Define computer architecture and computer organization.

29. What is a computer system? What are the hardware components of a typical computer system?

30. What is an input device? State the basic functions of input devices.

31. What is CPU? Explain the function of CPU.

32. Why are registers used in the CPU?

33. What are the functions of the Control Unit?

34. What is primary memory? Explain the functions of primary memory.

35. What is a microprocessor? What are the functions of a microprocessor?

36. Explain the differences between Primary and Secondary Memory.

37. What is a system bus? What are the characteristics of different system bus?

38. Differentiate between RAM and ROM.

39. What is a cache memory? How it increases the performance of computer?

40. What is a secondary memory? What are the main types of secondary memory?

41. What is a magnetic tape? Why is it called sequential access media?

42. What is a magnetic disk? Name two types of magnetic disks commonly used in microcomputers.

43. What is an optical disk? How does it work?

44. What is an input? How does an input device work in a computer system?

45. What is a pointing device? Explain the functions of any three pointing devices.

46. Explain the differences between soft copy output and hard copy output.

47. Differentiate between impact and non-impact printer.

48. What is printer? Explain its types

Unit 2: Number System and Conversion Boolean Logic

1. What is a number system? What are the types of number systems used in a computer?

2. What is the difference between positional and non- positional number systems?

3. What is Boolean algebra? Give its applications.

4. What is Boolean logic? Explain the three Boolean operators with the help of truth table.

5. What is a logic gate? Construct truth table, logic diagram, Venn diagram of AND, OR and NOT gates.

6. Differentiate between NAND and NOR gate with truth table.

7. Define and Construct the truth table of XOR and XNOR operation of Boolean algebra.

8. What are the uses of gates and Boolean algebra?

9. What is principal of duality? Give examples.

10.Prove De-Morgan’s Law with truth table.

Unit 3: Computer Software and Operating System

1. What is an operating system? Explain the functions of operating system.

2. What is an operating system? Explain the different types of operating system with examples.

3. Differentiate between Application software and system software.

4. What do you understand by computer software? explain

5. What are the two types of computer software? Explain

6. What is system software? Name the different types of system software.

7. What is an operating system? What are the major functions of an operating system?

8. What is utility program? Name any two utility programs.

9. What is tailored software? Give a few examples of such software.

10. What is packaged software? Give examples of packaged software.

11. Define operating system? Differentiate between CUI and GUI with examples.

12. Describe terms spooling and buffering.

13. Different between online processing and Real time processing.

14. Differentiate between Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing.

15. Define terms: 

  • a) Booting 
  • b) Linux and Unix
  • c) windows operating System 
  • d) Time sharing OS
  • f) Open source software 
  • g) Single user and Multiuser OS
  • h) Types of Mobile OS

Unit 4: Application Package

1. What is word processing? State the features of word processor software.

2. What are headers and footers? What is the use of header and footer in Word?

3. What is page margin? What is the default page margin in Word?

4. Describe how the Mail Merge feature works. What are the advantages of using Mail Merge?

5. What is an electronic spreadsheet? What are the important features of electronic spreadsheet?

6. What do you mean by sorting of data?

7. What is cell referencing? Explain the three type of cell referencing with suitable examples.

8. What are functions? Give the usage and syntax of SUM function.

9. What is a chart? Explain the different chart types available in MS-Excel.

10.What is a presentation software? What are the features of presentation software?

11.What are the various uses of a presentation software?

12.What is meant by animation? How is animation helpful in slide shows?

13.Define terms:

  • a) Slide Transitions
  • b) Animation
  • c) Organization chart

Unit 5: Programming Concepts and Logics

1.) What is program? Differentiate between program and software.

2.) What is programming language? Explain its types with merits and demerits.

3.) Differentiate between compiler and interpreter.

4.) What is error? Briefly explain its types.

5.) Differentiate between syntax and semantics error.

6.) Define algorithm and flowchart with examples.

7.) What is C? Write its Features.

8.) What is a Data type? Explain the type of operator with examples.

9.) What is control structure? Write different between break and continue statement with examples.

10.) What is looping? Write different between while and Do while loop with examples.

11.) Define the term array. What is string? Explain any four string handling function with example.

Important Selected C Programs – Class 11 Computer Science

1. Write a program to input any three numbers and find out which one is largest numbers.

2. Write a program to input a number and check it is even and odd.

3. Write a program to input a number and find it is palindrome or not.

4. Write a program to input a number and check it is Armstrong or not.

5. Write a program to input a number and find out sum of individual digits.

6. Write a program to input a number and find out factorial number.

7. Write a program to display day using the switch statement depending upon the number entered. i.e. input 1 for Sunday, 7 for Saturday.

Unit 6: Web Technology

1. What is the Internet? Explain with its uses. Define the terms web page and web site, web browser.

2. What is the URL? Explain the component of the URL

3. What is DNS? Explain the functionality of DNS an Internet.

4. What is a search engine? List any five examples of search engines

5. Differentiate between www and Internet.

6. Explain the basic structure of HTML What is the list in HTML? Explain its types with a suitable example.

7. What is HTML? Describe the major features of HTML.

8. List the advantages and disadvantages of HTML

9. Write down the uses of HTML.

10. What is a hyperlink? Explain its types briefly.

11. How do we use <tr> <th> and <td> tag in <table? Give a suitable example.

12. What is CSS? Explain its types.

13. What is the Internet? Write down the positive and negative of the Internet in modern society.

14. What is e-mail? Write down the uses of e-mail. Explain about different types of e-mail accounts

15. Explain in detail how the Internet can be useful for students

16. What do you mean by character formatting? Explain about a paragraph, heading, and text formatting with an appropriate example.

17. What is the HTML form? List any 10 forms’ elements with its syntax

Unit 7: Multimedia

1) What is multimedia? Write its application.

2) Write the advantage and disadvantage of Multimedia

3) What are the components of multimedia? Explain.

4) Write Short notes on:

  • a) Animation 
  • b) Graphics
  • c) E-Commerce 
  • d) Video 
  • e) Virtual Reality

Unit 8: Information Security and Cyber Law

1) What do you mean by Information Security? Explain.

2) What is computer ethics? Explain.

3) Explain the terms of software piracy, Plagiarism and Pornography.

4) What is digital divide? What is its effects on modern society?

5) What is cyber-crime? Explain its different forms.

6) Write Short notes on:

  • a) Cyber Law 
  • b) Computer Virus
  • c) Digital Signature 
  • d) Malware
  • e) Cryptography

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