Class 12 Computer related MCQs
If You are the student of Class 12 and want to prepare NEB Class 12 MCQs for Board Exam, you are at right place. We are providing MCQs for you.
Each Year NEB Board Ask 9 marks MCQs in Board Exam, so you can prepare important MCQs Question and easily obtain that 9 marks by practicing’s these MCQs Question Specifically designed for NEB Students for Computer Science Exams.
1) In which type of database model each node can have only one parent and multiple child?
a) Hierarchical
b) Network
c) Relational
d) Multilevel
2) In which type of transmission media data are transmitted in the form of photons instead of electrons?
a) Twisted pair
b) Co-axial
c) Fibre optics
d) Infrared
3) How many layers are there in OSI (Open System Interconnection) model?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7
4) Which of the following is not the event object of JavaScript?
a) onsubmit
b) onclick
c) onselect
d) onpost
5) What is the Total memory allocated by union?
a) Sum of all
b) Highest among all
c) Lowest among all
d) None of above
6) Which of the following is the correct declaration of pointer variable?
a) int &p;
b) int *p;
c) int p*;
d) int p&;
7) Which of the following is not a file operation mode?
a) r
b) a
c) w+
d) rw
8) Which property of OOP means same function behave differently?
a) Inheritance
b) Encapsulation
c) Polymorphism
d) Abstraction
9) The network of physical devices which are built-in with sensors, hardware and software?
a) AI
b) VR
c) IOT
d) Cloud computing
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